Sunday, March 30, 2014

This Crazy Thing Called Life

Today in my Gospel Doctrine class we talked about how our lives are not a straight paved road leading from point A to point B, but instead, our lives are like rivers.  There's lots of twists and turns.  I've never wanted to go "Southern Black Gospel" on my ward so badly.  It was all I could do to not shout out a "Hallelujah!"
Because our life is twisting and turning right now.

Let me back up.  Our plan has ALWAYS been to have Steve graduate with an English degree, then go to Law school.  We've been working toward that for the last 2.5 years...  
Until suddenly we're not anymore.

Law school was getting close.  and we were getting uneasy.
You're probably saying to yourself, "well duh, Katie, Law school is big, of course you were getting uneasy."
and to you I say, you're right.
So I've ignored that uneasy feeling for a while.  But the more things moved forward, I started feeling depressed, and I couldn't figure out why.  I could tell something was off with Steve.
I just kind of felt like our life was spinning and I couldn't quite get a grip on it.
So finally (I don't know why we waited so long) Steve and I had a sit down chit chat.
Long story short, we talked about Law school, we decided we needed to revisit our plan and pray about it.
So that's what we did, and we both felt strongly that Law school is not for us.
So we said, "well... what's our next step, if it's not law school?"

We started looking around at houses, we prayed about whether or not buying a house would be something good for us, we realized our lease is up at the beginning of April and right now is kind of the perfect time to look.  So we looked and looked, we looked for a full 3-4 days until we stumbled upon a house that had EVERYTHING we wanted, for the price we wanted it at.

We prayed again and thought a lot about it...
Do things normally happen this fast and this easily?  Everyone always says the process of house hunting/buying is stressful... we hadn't run into any real stress yet.

We decided to go take a look at the house in person... and we fell in love.  
After looking at it, we walked in our door, and suddenly, our perfect little home didn't feel quite so much like a home.
So we put an offer in, the sellers countered it, and we accepted...  Assuming nothing crazy happens, we'll be homeowners in the next 30 days!

Eek!  Oh, by the way, all this happened within the span of 2 weeks.  I know... it's insane, right?
But I'm so excited for this next chapter of our lives.
2014 has been all over the place so far.

1 comment:

  1. okkaayy, greatest news! Love the message. Love your blog. Love you! Keep updating! xoxo
