Sunday, August 21, 2016

Lagoon Day 2016

Every year my work takes us to Lagoon and feeds everyone dinner.
This year we went with Madi and Taylor and their kids and Mimi and Aaron and their little one.
We took the kids before dinner and let them ride rides.  Henry really did not like it.  We tried 3 rides and all of them were a bust. haha.  Sorry kid.
After dinner we ditched the kids with a sitter (bless you, sweet, sweet Annabelle) and went back to party on our own.  
we had SO much fun!  I'm pretty sure that all of us (the adults) were so annoying to everyone around us.  We've clearly forgotten how to act in public when we're not in "mom" or "dad" mode. 
We had so much fun we decided to make our group date a monthly thing.  Our mental health needs it.