Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Sicky Sicky/Complaining post

I really don't make a good couch potato.  I've been so sick this last week, maybe even the sickest I've ever been, and I'm going crazy.  My brother is in town with his family from Texas and I've seen them maybe twice. Ah!  Just when I think I'm starting to feel better my body throws something else at me.  
I usually have a pristine immune system but it seems to have vanished last week. Seriously, it usually never lets any bugs through and on the off chance it does, it's usually just a mild tummy ache.
However as I sit here with Bronchitis and Pink Eye and a really mean virus, I can't help but think I did something to upset my immune system.

I'm also convinced we need Netflix.  Steve and I don't have cable or Netflix or anything like that.  Mainly because we don't watch TV very often and also because we're kind of cheap.  However, after sitting on my butt for a week watching awful actors (the Kristin Stewart type of awful) and weird series on Hulu, I'm willing to fork over $8 a month for some better entertainment.

I'm also really grateful for heated houses.  There's a reason I was born when I was and not as a pioneer, well a few actually.  First off, as you can tell, I don't handle being sick with patience and grace.  I'm kind of a baby when it comes to not feeling well and two, I don't think I would have made it 10 miles on the plains.  Especially if it were cold.

Although being sick sucks, I found a silver lining.  Since I've been so sick and haven't been able to eat anything other than banana's, cup of noodles and popsicles, I've lost weight.  I worked off all my holiday weight sitting on the couch doing nothing.  Not exactly my first choice for a diet, but I'll take it anyway.

So to sum it up, not a good couch potato, immune system hates me, we'll probably be getting Netflix, I would have died as a pioneer and I've lost weight.  

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