Monday, January 21, 2013

January: The Monday of the year.

Let me start by saying I'm sorry for my large amount of complaining in my last post.   As you've noticed I don't handle being sick very well...  I get a serious case of the man cold no matter what ails me.  I'm learning my lesson though.  Unfortunately I'm learning it the hard way, seeing as I'm sick AGAIN for the second time in a month.  Not cool immune system, not cool.  This time it's just a cold, not death trying to claim me asr his own.  Oh well... It's best I learn how to function when I'm not feeling well seeing as I want to have babies in the {not so distant} future and in order to have a baby, you have to be sick/uncomfortable for almost a year.  And no, that was not a hint at me being pregnant, just that I'm not quite as terrified at the idea of being a mom as I used to be.

Anyway, lets move on to how much I dislike January.  I loathe it.  First off, it's cruelly cold.  In November and December the cold is exciting because Christmas is around the bend and everyone wants snow for Christmas.  When January hits, it's just cold... with NO excitement.  Blah!  If you're outside of Utah and thinking that I'm just exaggerating, let me give you an example of what I'm talking about.  Last week, as I was leaving for work I managed to steal a gander at the temperature outside.  It was 0. ZERO PEOPLE!  It was not any degrees! I don't know about you, but I'm ready to up and move somewhere tropical.

Secondly, I don't like January because I always have hard time adjusting to getting my dates right.  There are still days where I catch myself putting a 12 and the end of my dates.  It makes me feel ditsy and loserly.

Lastly, well not lastly but I won't ramble on and on, Christmas is 12 months away.  Just that thought alone is enough to make me sad.

Luckily Steve and I have a hot cocomotion to help us through the brutally cold days, and Maggee to lift our spirits.   Here's a little dose of cute.  Hopefully it will brighten your January.

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