Monday, April 27, 2015

Henry James Howe: Month Two

My little man is two months already! 
Time move MUCH faster with him on the outside.
This last month has been so much fun! He's been just as snuggly as before (yay!) But now he interacts a lot more. He is so smiley.  He is a morning person and definitely did not get it from me. I always try to make him sleep longer than he wants and sometimes roll out of bed begrudgingly but he always flashes me a huge smile and suddenly I don't mind so much. 
He's very much the opposite around bedtime. 
Come 8:30-9 and he is NOT happy. We swaddle and "shush" him nightly. He's technically considered "colicky" which I find so odd. I always thought a colicky baby was unhappy round the clock, not just at one particular time every day. He's really quite happy the rest of the time.
He really like to try to stand. We hold his hands up and he gets an intense look on his face as he wobbles about on his legs.
He has started grabbing my hair.  I read am article about hair tourniquets and I'm super paranoid about them.  His little fingers and toes are checked constantly for stray hairs wrapped around them.
He's a little social bug (he gets that from mom).  He loves to go places and smile at people.
Bath time is still his all-time favorite. I think we're going to have a little fishy once he's old enough to swim.
He wiggles CONSTANTLY. Even during his sleep, another reason why we swaddle him. I just know that once he's mobile, he's going to be a handful. He's never going to stop moving. 
He's started cooing and it's my favorite. I'm one of those sappy mom's that can get teary-eyed when he makes an especially cute noise, which he does. Daily. It's a cry fest over here.

I gotta say, parenthood scared me tremendously, but now that he's here I feel like I want 12 more (I'm sure I'll feel differently when he learns to talk back). 

First blowout 

Wide awake during nap time. 

"Peace out"

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