Tuesday, December 31, 2013

7 Days

We are officially in the single digits!  Yikes.  Things are getting real.  In one week I'll be super drugged up and even more crippled than I am now, just hopefully with less nerve pain.
People are funny,  when they find out I'm getting surgery, they all have the same reaction.

*concerned look on their face*

other person:  Are you really nervous?
Me:  No,  I'm quite excited.  I'm definitely ready to get rid of this pain.
other person:  How long is your recovery?
Me:  I'll be down flat for about 2 weeks, then tender for another 4-6 weeks.
other person (still with a look of concern):  Oh wow.  Well, be sure to take the time you need to recover.  You don't want to jump back into things too quickly.
Me: (in my head) duh. (I know, that's mean.)
Me: (out loud)  Don't worry,  I'll be careful.  I definitely don't want to end up back here with another back injury.
other person:  Well good.  I hope things will go well for you.
Me:  Thanks.  I think the surgery will go well, I feel good about it.

And the conversation fizzles out there.

Really though,  I can't even count how many times I've had that conversation.  It's sweet though, it means a lot to me that so many people are concerned.  And from their point of view, I can see how the idea of being tender in the lower back region for about 2 months sounds awful.  but to me, it doesn't.

One of my friends the other day was talking about how at the end of a 9 month pregnancy, you don't care if you have to throw the kid up, you just want it out of you.  That's how I feel about this pain.  I don't care if I have to be ginger for 2 months, I just want it out of me.

And hopefully this surgery will grant me that joy.

Besides being excited about the fact that my nerve pain will be gone, here's a list of other things I'm super excited about.

While I recover:
I get a free pass at being lazy all day, every day.
I get to watch a butt load of Netflix, free of judgement.
People will bring me food.
People will wait on me (I know I shouldn't say that out loud [or type it] but it will be fun, I kind of want to get a bell to ring when I need something ;).)
I get to sit in bed and read as much as I want.
I won't be tempted with junk food in the house, I just get to eat whatever Steve brings me (I'm going to request it be mostly healthy).
I get the good drugs.
I get to stay home with Steve for a week until he goes back to work.
I get to take a few weeks off work.
I get to work from home during my "tender, but not excruciating" stage.

After I'm recovered:
Working out. Hard. (Don't worry, I won't be stupid and do exercises that put stress on my back.)
Sleeeeep!!!!  Finally I'll be able to get comfortable and not wake up several times a night to re-position myself.
Walking won't cause pain.
I won't have to take pain pills on a daily basis.
I can set goals, like running a half marathon.
My legs won't be numb/burning/tingling.
I'll be able to sit in a chair and not want to cry.

Suffice it to say, I'm pretty psyched for this operation.

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