Tuesday, April 17, 2012

March Madness

So our work does a little March Madness competition every year.  We do team building activities where we can elect "Team players".  Those are people on our teams who we want to recognize for all the hard work they do.  When you're elected for a Team Player Award you get to be in a shoot off with everybody else on your team who was also elected.  From there, the winner goes on to the shoot off between the whole department (which is a combination of several teams) and get to participate in a shoot off to win a pizza party for their team.  Well, I won the team shoot off and went on to the department shoot off.  I didn't do too shabby.  I made it to the third round and lost by one basket.  Our manager ended up winning the shoot off between all the managers so our team still got a pizza party! yay!  All the team MVP's also got a cute little basketball gumball machine.
Notice the tape around the middle of mine?  That's because as I was sitting quietly in the back of the room, nervously awaiting my turn to go shoot, I tilted my gumball machine ever so slightly.  The top flew off and gumballs went EVERYWHERE!  I was mortified!  I looked up at the room full of people, (around 130 people) staring at me and laughing. Why do these things always happen to me!?!?
Overall though it was fun morning.  Chic-fil-a catered breakfast and our team won pizza!  Not a bad Wednesday if I say so myself.
Steve was one of the MVP's too.  He's the one who beat me and won pizza for his team.

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