In the last month he has become more alert. He likes to focus on faces, windows, and Penny or just stare into the abyss.
Lately he has started eating ALL the time and is officially out of newborn clothes (I only cried a little).
He's gotten used to the camera always being in his face and we've already caught some pretty awesome faces. I feel like he has such a big personality just waiting to pop out.
He's very laid back and is content doing anything which is nice when I feel the urge to do something semi-productive... but let's be honest. I usually feel the urge to sit and hold him... and I usually give in to that urge. He's only little once and I only have so long before I go back to work. We're soaking in every moment we possibly can.
He hasn't lost any of his hair and we all joke that it's because he's never set down so it never rubs against anything. Seriously, the kid is always being held. Between my family and Steve's, we have a lot of visitors.
Little Henry is a fairly good sleeper. He usually wakes up, eats, and will go right back to sleep. Mom is still trying to get used to never sleeping longer than 2-3 hours at a time but doesn't mind too much, especially since Henry is usually such a happy baby.
He loves car rides and will fall asleep every time within a matter of seconds, even if Penny sits next to him and barks (dang dog!).
He still loves to keep his hands by his ears but also likes to be swaddled.
He's so strong and can hold his head up for as long as he wants to. He's also got some pretty solid tummy muscles when he tenses up.
Now enjoy my ridiculously large collection of photos from Henry's first month.
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