Dear 2014, you were friggin' crazy.
January started with a back surgery followed by some of the worst physical pain I'd ever felt. January ended with the death of our sweet dog Maggee and we were heartbroken.
February was fairly mellow. We go a good deal at a hotel in Vegas and decided a vacation was just what we needed.
March was my birthday. The best one I've had yet. My husband wrote me the absolute sweetest letter and I told him he'd never be able to top that birthday (I have a feeling he'll never be able to top this next birthday, seeing as we'll {hopefully} have a brand new baby at home by then). March was also the time when we hit a crossroads. We up and changed all of our future plans, prayed and pondered, and got the answer that law school wasn't for us, and instead should buy a house and start a family. We found the perfect house for us within a few days, put in an offer, and got it accepted. It was a whirlwind of a week.
April was spent packing and going through the process of actually buying the house.
In May we moved into said house, planted a garden, started home projects, and began making the house our home.
In June we both felt ready for a puppy. We looked and looked and came across a pure bred Golden Retriever (we'd both always wanted one). She was the last one in her litter who hadn't been sold. We both fell in love with her and brought her home immediately. A week later I found out I was pregnant and I sobbed with joy over all the images in my head of a puppy and a baby playing together.
July was Steve's birthday. He turned the big ol' dirty 30! July was also when the sickness hit. It hit hard, and it stayed. I won't go on and on with complaining, but I've never known sickness like that. I've never been so completely wiped out and forced to run in survival mode. And it's not something you get used to, ever.
In August we announced we were pregnant. It was earlier than I was planning, but I couldn't hide it anymore. Everyone at work knew and most everyone I came into contact with figured it out pretty quick. My brother Casey got married and my brother Jeff announced he had eloped at the end of July (so sneaky).
In September we celebrated 3 years of marriage and found out we were having a baby boy. All in the same day!
In October we had our 20 week scan and found out everything was healthy and developing how it should.
In November we took a road trip to Cali and partied it up in San Fran and Carmel. (Carmel was amazing and so dog friendly. We're definitely taking the baby and Penny there sometime within the next year.)
In December I started to feel like a normal person again! The migraines finally seemed to stop and I started to feel less like a shell of my old self!!! (Merry Christmas to me!!!!!!) December also brought my very first car accident (and easily the most terrifying moment of my life) which seemed to set off the migraines again... but now I just don't care. I'm just so grateful we were all okay. December also brought the very first Christmas in our new house and we were able to host my family Christmas Eve and Steve's family Christmas Day and celebrate with them.
New Years Eve left me in awe. Is 2014 already over? It was such a whirlwind. I feel like everything around me was changing and moving and spinning and I was just trying my hardest to keep up and not lose my footing.
I'm excited for everything that 2015 has to offer. I have a feeling this year is going to be just as amazing as last year. This is the year I get to meet my little baby and watch my family grow.
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