Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Update (because I know you care)

So here we are...  Day 2.  Yesterday was awesome.  I felt great.  I made yummy meals and I didn't even kind of want sugar.  My brain told my body "no," and and my body listened.  Today?  Today has been less great.  I've been exhausted all dang day.  I've had sooo much water, fresh fruits and veggies,  and proteins.
I'm getting a headache.
And I'm getting irritable.  
Sigh.  My brain is still saying no, as badly as I could go for a diet coke and a cookie right now, it will continue to say no.  I hear the first week is the worst, then after that your body doesn't want junk.  I wish I could just sleep through this week.
Or not talk to / be around anyone.
Yes, that would be quite nice.