Sunday, September 16, 2012

366 Days of Bliss

Hi blog world.  It's been a while.  I'm not great at this whole blogging thing.  Sorry.

September 16th is today's date.  It also happens to be our one year anniversary.  (seriously, where did the time go?)  This last years was awesome.  By far my favorite year in my short 21 years.  Lets review it shall we?

I was sealed to my beloved.

We got to go play in Jamaica! (take me back there!)

We celebrated our first holidays together as a married couple.

We got some furniture for our house. (which still isn't decorated...)
I met the guy from 17 Miracles
 We made pretty cheesy little valentines

Maggee became a member of our household.

We ran in the Color Me Rad 5k.
Discovered we have a pet squirrel... who is actually a girl and had little squirrel babies :)
Went on a road trip to Vegas
Got to walk through the house I grew up in. (I'll write a blog post on this.)
spent cloudy days laying in the grass at the park listening to rainy day music.
Had several Disney movie nights :)
(are you still reading?)
We had a birthday party for Maggee (this also deserves a whole post)
And last but not least for the picture reel, we got to go camping with Steve's side of the family last night.  It was really fun. (besides the fact that I was absolutely freezing all night and didn't sleep)

All of those things were incredibly fun, but they were only fun because I was with my Steve. (queue the cheese)  I feel like I have grown so much in the last year.  Steve really is the perfect husband.  He's patient and loving.  He even cleans ;)  I'm so excited to see what life holds for us.